Our experts are available to help untangle your wiring woes. Our focus is to solve your problems. Tell us your challenges and goals, send us a drawing or sample, then rest easy.
Have a legacy product where the drawing might be a little out of date?
We know that updating a drawing means time taken away from your engineers working on current and future projects. Working on old products that are no longer producing a lot of revenue for the company can be seen as non-value add. We can help to alleviate some of that burden from your engineers by doing the leg work ourselves and letting them know what needs to be updated.
Have a sample cable, but not a drawing?
Send us the cable and it will be our engineer’s pleasure to review it; they enjoy taking things apart (who knew?). They will decipher what components are being used and comprise a list of them. Based on that list, we will provide a quote on what it would take for us to recreate the cable.
Are your salespeople struggling to take orders because your current cable and harness supplier can’t keep up with delivery expectations?
With our Lean background, we are familiar with Kanban and JIT delivery. We work with blanket orders where we set up routine, scheduled shipments. We could also hold a certain amount of inventory on hand and ready for you to take whenever it is needed.
We believe our greatest value is in solving your problems. We provide excellent, detailed communication, consistent supply, and are focused on quality.
Email your wire woes to